Monday, January 19, 2009

On the eve of perhaps the most significant inauguration ...

in the history of the United States since that of our First President, I can't help but wonder if President Obama isn't missing a wonderful opportunity to lead by example.

We are in the worst recession in decades. I hear of new plant closings almost daily, and several of my friends are out job hunting after having had longstanding, well-paying positions seemingly snatched out from under them without warning. Even our immigrant working populus is struggling to find work. A court interpreter rents office space from me, and she is deluged with walk in clients hoping she might suggest new work for them.

In this day and time, excess just seems, well, excessive. I'll never be known as a spendthrift, but even I've been wary of going out and making the big purchase these days, even things we arguably need.

I voted for Barak Hussein Obama. I truly believe he is the breath of fresh air that can carry us into a new era of cooperation and amity, and that he will do what is necessary to correct the wrong-minded financial and international policies of the overlong Bush administration. I also know that the celebrations of this week will be cathartic for so many, beyond my understanding perhaps. To deny the magnitude of the inauguration on any level is somehow distasteful and disappointing.

But what a statement could have been made by President Obama if he had simply said "My fellow Americans, in light of the struggles felt by so many in our great Nation, I am going to forego the pomp and circumstance of my forebears and have a simple swearing in ceremony to which all are invited. Afterwards, I'm going to work. No balls, no late night celebrations. We have too much to accomplish to revel so in the moment."